
Displaying 1026 - 1050 of 1906

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
09/29/19 The Rich Young Ruler J.T. Carlson Sermon N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 190929_JTC_The_Rich_Young_Ruler.mp3 11_am-1570981179.pptx
09/22/19 Content in Any State J.T. Carlson Sermon N/A Sunday 1st Worship 9_am-1570980793.pptx 190922_JTC_Content_in_any_State.mp3
09/22/19 The Just Shall Live by Faith Harry Osborne Sermon N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 190922_HO_The_Just_Shall_Live_by_Faith.mp3 11_am-1570980989.pptx
09/15/19 Pattern of Departure Harry Osborne Sermon N/A Sunday 1st Worship Pattern_of_Departure.pptx 190915_HO_Pattern_of_Departure.mp3
09/15/19 Hold Fast to What is Good J.T. Carlson Sermon N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Sermon_-_hold_fast_what_is_good.pptx 190915_JTC_Hold_Fast_to_What_is_Good.mp3
09/08/19 We Will Serve the Lord Part 1 J.T. Carlson Sermon N/A Sunday 1st Worship 9_am.pptx 190908_JTC_We_Will_Serve_he_Lord_Part_1.mp3
09/08/19 We Will Serve the Lord Part 2 J.T. Carlson Sermon N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 190908_JTC_We_Will_Serve_he_Lord_Part_2.mp3 11_am.pptx
09/01/19 Abstain from Every Form of Evil J.T. Carlson Sermon N/A Sunday 1st Worship Sermon_-_Abstain_from_every_form_of_evil.pptx 190901_JTC_Abstain_from_every_form_of_evil.mp3
09/01/19 New and Living Way Harry Osborne Sermon N/A Sunday 2nd Worship New_and_Living_Way.pptx 190901_HO_New_and_Living_Way.mp3
08/25/19 Failure to Examine Self Harry Osborne Sermon N/A Sunday 1st Worship 190825_Failure_to_Examine_Self.mp3 Failure_to_Examine_Self.pptx 190825_Failure_to_Examine_Self.mp4 190825_Failure_to_Examine_Self.m4a
08/25/19 Who is In Control Pt. 2 J.T. Carlson Sermon N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 190825_Who_is_in_Control_Pt_2.mp3 190825_Who_is_in_Control_Pt_2.mp4 Sermon_-_Who_is_in_Control_-_Part_2.pptx 190825_Who_is_in_Control_Pt_2.m4a
08/18/19 Attitudes of Christ Harry Osborne Sermon N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 190818_Attitudes_of_Christ.mp3 Attitudes_of_Christ.pptx 190818_Attitudes_of_Christ.m4a 190818_Attitudes_of_Christ.mp4
08/18/19 Power and Value of Gods Word J.T. Carlson Sermon N/A Sunday 1st Worship 190818_Power_and_Value_of_Gods_Word.mp3 The_power_and_value_of_Gods_Word.pptx 190818_Power_and_Value_of_Gods_Word.mp4 190818_Power_and_Value_of_Gods_Word.m4a
08/11/19 Careless Soul J.T. Carlson Sermon N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 190811_Careless_Soul.mp3 190811_Careless_Soul.mp4 Careless_Soul.pptx 190811_Careless_Soul.m4a
08/11/19 Facing The Nature of Sin Harry Osborne Sermon N/A Sunday 1st Worship 190811_Facing_the_Nature_of_Sin.mp3 Facing_the_Nature_of_Sin.pptx 190811_Facing_the_Nature_of_Sin.mp4 190811_Facing_the_Nature_of_Sin.m4a
08/04/19 Meditate on it day and night J.T. Carlson Sermon N/A Sunday 1st Worship 190804_Meditate_on_it_day_and_night.mp3 Meditate_in_it_Day_and_Night.pptx 190804_Meditate_on_it_day_and_night.mp4 190804_Meditate_on_it_day_and_night.m4a
08/04/19 Hope Believed Against Hope Harry Osborne Sermon N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 190804_Hope_Believed_Against_Hope.mp3 Hope_Believed_Against_Hope.pptx 190804_Hope_Believed_Against_Hope.mp4 190804_Hope_Believed_Against_Hope.m4a
07/26/19 Romans 9-10- Is Israel Responsible? Donnie Rader Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 190726_Romans_9-10-_Is_Israel_Responsible.mp3 Romans_9-10-_Is_Israel_Responsible.pptx 190726_Romans_9-10-_Is_Israel_Responsible.mp4 190726_Romans_9-10-_Is_Israel_Responsible.m4a
07/26/19 Transformed By the Renewing of Your Mind Brett Hogland Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 190726_Transforming_the_Renewing_of_Your_Mind.mp3 190726_Transforming_the_Renewing_of_Your_Mind.m4a 190726_Transforming_the_Renewing_of_Your_Mind.mp4 Transformed_By_the_Renewing_of_Your_Mind.pptx
07/25/19 In Christ Is Reconciliation J.R. Bronger Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 190725_In_Christ_Is_Reconciliation.mp3 190725_In_Christ_Is_Reconciliation.mp4 190725_In_Christ_Is_Reconciliation.m4a In_Christ_Is_Reconciliation.pptx
07/25/19 Who Is The Wretched Man Jerry Fite Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 190725_Who_Is_The_Wretched_Man.mp3 Who_Is_The_Wretched_Man.pptx 190725_Who_Is_The_Wretched_Man.mp4 190725_Who_Is_The_Wretched_Man.m4a
07/24/19 Sovereignty and Election Brett Hogland Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 190724_Sovereignty_and_Election.mp3 Sovereignty_and_Election.pptx 190724_Sovereignty_and_Election.mp4 190724_Sovereignty_and_Election.m4a
07/24/19 Growing in Christian Character Preacher Training Attendees Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 190724_Growing_in_Christian_Character.mp3 190724_Growing_in_Christian_Character.mp4 190724_Growing_in_Christian_Character.m4a
07/23/19 Old Law Taken Away Donnie Rader Sermon Preacher Training 2019 Gospel Meeting 190723_Old_Law_Taken_Away.mp3 Old_Law_Taken_Away.pptx 190723_Old_Law_Taken_Away.mp4 190723_Old_Law_Taken_Away.m4a
07/22/19 Romans 3-4: Salvation by Faith Only Brett Hogland Sermon Preacher Training 2019 Gospel Meeting 190722_Romans_3-4_Salvation_by_Faith_Only.mp3 190722_Romans_3-4_Salvation_by_Faith_Only.mp4 Salvation_by_Faith_-_Romans_3-4_1.pptx 190722_Romans_3-4_Salvation_by_Faith_Only.m4a

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