
Displaying 1751 - 1775 of 1918

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
09/15/13 Authority Proving the Boundries Harry Osborne Sermon N/A Sunday 1st Worship 130915_Authority_Proving_the_Boundaries.wmv 130915_Authority_Proving_the_Boundaries.pptx 130915_Authority_Proving_the_Boundaries.mp3
09/08/13 Sanctification Jeremiah Cox Sermon N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 130908_Will_Of_God_Sanctification.wmv 130908_Will_Of_God_Sanctification.ppt 130908_Will_Of_God_Sanctification.mp3
09/08/13 Life In The New and Living Way Harry Osborne Sermon N/A Sunday 1st Worship 130908_Live_In_New_And_Living_Way.wmv 130908_Live_In_New_And_Living_Way.ppt 130908_Live_In_New_And_Living_Way.mp3
09/01/13 Was Saul Saved On The Road? Jeremiah Cox Sermon N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 130901_Was_Saul_Saved_On_The_Road.doc
09/01/13 Effective Spiritual Leadership Harry Osborne Sermon N/A Sunday 1st Worship 130901_Effective_Spiritual_Leadership.wmv 130901_Effective_Spiritual_Leadership.ppt 130901_Effective_Spiritual_Leadership.mp3
08/25/13 Set Your Mind Above Harry Osborne Sermon N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 130825_Set_Your_Mind_Above.mp3
08/25/13 The Strong Life Harry Osborne Sermon N/A Sunday 1st Worship 130825_The_Strong_Life.wmv 130825_The_Strong_Life.ppt 130825_The_Strong_Life.mp3
08/18/13 Mega Church Movement Tyler Hogland Sermon N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 130818_Megachurch_Movement.wmv 130818_Megachurch_Movement.pptx 130818_Megachurch_Movement.mp3
08/18/13 Only What The Bible Authorizes Jeremiah Cox Sermon N/A Sunday 1st Worship 130818_Only_What_The_Bible_Authorizes.wmv 130818_Only_What_The_Bible_Authorizes.ppt 130818_Only_What_The_Bible_Authorizes.mp3
08/11/13 Prove Yourself A Man Tyler Hogland Sermon N/A Sunday 1st Worship 130811_PROVE_YOURSELF_A_MAN.wmv 130811_PROVE_YOURSELF_A_MAN.pptx 130811_PROVE_YOURSELF_A_MAN.mp3
08/11/13 The Obedient Son Jeremiah Cox Sermon N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 130811_The_Obedient_Son.mp3 130811_The_Obedient_Son.wmv 130811_The_Obedient_Son.ppt
08/04/13 Challenge of Proper Priorties Harry Osborne Sermon N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 130804_Challenge_of_Proper_Priorities.wmv 130804_Challenge_of_Proper_Priorities.pptx 130804_Challenge_of_Proper_Priorities.mp3
08/04/13 The Inspired Word Jeremiah Cox Sermon N/A Sunday 1st Worship 130804_The_Inspired_Word_(Modesty).wmv 130804_The_Inspired_Word_(Modesty).odp 130804_The_Inspired_Word_(Modesty).mp3
07/28/13 Sam and Colby Preacher Training Attendees Sermon Preacher Training 2013 Sunday 1st Worship 130728_Sam_Colby.mp3
07/28/13 Mike and Tristian Preacher Training Attendees Sermon Preacher Training 2013 Sunday 1st Worship 130728_Mike_Tristian.mp3
07/28/13 Jeremiah and Zain Sermon Preacher Training Attendees Sermon Preacher Training 2013 Sunday 2nd Worship 130728_Jerimiah_Zain.mp3
07/26/13 The Thief On The Cross Brett Hogland Sermon Preacher Training 2013 Gospel Meeting 130726_The_Thief_On_The_Cross_BH.wmv 130726_The_Thief_On_The_Cross_BH.pptx 130726_The_Thief_On_The_Cross_BH.mp3
07/25/13 Sermon of Songs John Isaac Edwards Sermon Preacher Training 2013 Gospel Meeting 130725_Singing_Sermon_JIE.mp3 130725_Singing_Sermon_JIE.pptx
07/24/13 Risen With Christ Preacher Training Attendees Sermon Preacher Training 2013 Gospel Meeting 130724_If_Ye_Then_Be_Risen_With_Christ.mp3 130724_If_Ye_Then_Be_Risen_With_Christ.doc
07/23/13 The Captain of Our Salvation Brett Hogland Sermon Preacher Training 2013 Gospel Meeting 130723_The_Captain_of_Our_Salvation_BH.wmv 130723_The_Captain_of_Our_Salvation_BH.pptx 130723_The_Captain_of_Our_Salvation_BH.mp3
07/22/13 Why Stop The Chariot John Isaac Edwards Sermon Preacher Training 2013 Gospel Meeting 130722_Why_Stop_The Chariot_JIE.mp3
07/21/13 Grace John Isaac Edwards Sermon Preacher Training 2013 Sunday 2nd Worship 130721_Grace_JIE.mp3
07/21/13 Faith and Works Jeremiah Cox Sermon Preacher Training 2013 Sunday 1st Worship 130721_Faith_and_Works_JC.wmv 130721_Faith_and_Works_JC.odp 130721_Faith_and_Works_JC.mp3
07/14/13 Recreation In A Christians Life Jeremiah Cox Sermon N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 130714_Recreation_in_a_Christians_Life.mp3
07/14/13 I Believe - Help My Unbelief Harry Osborne Sermon N/A Sunday 1st Worship 130714_I_Believe_-_Help_Unbelief.mp3 130714_I_Believe_-_Help_Unbelief.wmv 130714_I_Believe_-_Help_Unbelief.pptx

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