
Displaying 226 - 237 of 237

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Date Title Author Topic
12/30/12 Bible Reading Introduction Harry Osborne Christianity 12-12-30 Daily Bible Reading Intro.doc
12/30/12 Bible Reading - Chronilogical Harry Osborne Authority 12-12-30 Daily Bible Reading - Chronological.docx
12/23/12 Change Harry Osborne Christianity 12-22-12 Change.doc
12/16/12 The Meaning of Contentment Jerry Fite Christianity 12-12-16 Contentment_Evil Suspicion.doc
12/09/12 Who Is The Rock? H.E. Phillips Christianity 12-12-09 Who Is the Rock-Phillips.doc
12/01/12 Visiting Heaven - Price; Blasphemy Idolatry - Cox Joe Price / Stan Cox Christianity 12-12-01 Visit Heaven - Price_Blasphemy Idolatry - Cox.doc
11/25/12 Thoughts On The 2012 Election Harry Osborne Christianity 12-11-25 Thoughts on 2012 Election.doc
11/11/12 I Will Go To My Father Joe Price Christianity 12-11-11 I Will Go to My Father-Price.doc
11/04/12 Recognizing Destructive Pride Harry Osborne Christianity 12-11-04 Recognizing Destructive Pride.doc
10/28/12 Spiritual Character vs Hypocritical Facade Harry Osborne Christianity 12-10-28 Spiritual Character vs Hypocritical Facade.doc
10/21/12 Singing-What Is Authorized? Harry Osborne Authority 12-10-21 Singing_What Is Authorized.doc
10/14/12 Bible vs Catholicism on Mary Harry Osborne Catholicism 12-10-14 Bible vs Catholicism on Mary.doc

Displaying 226 - 237 of 237

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