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Date Title Author Topic
03/22/15 Hating The Prophet H.E. Phillips Christianity 15-03-22_Hating_the_Prophet_-_Phillips.docx
03/08/15 Sin - Hated & Abhorred By God Harry Osborne Christianity 15-03-08_Sin_Hated_andAbhorred_by_God.docx
03/01/15 Malchus & Ungodly Crowd Harry Osborne Christianity 15-03-01_Malchus_and_Ungodly_Crowd.docx
02/22/15 Tactics Of Intimidation Joe Price Christianity 15-02-22_Tactics_of_Intimidation_-_Price.docx
02/15/15 Godly Famlies Donnie Rader Christianity 15-02-15_Godly_Families_-_Rader.docx
02/08/15 Are You Legalist? Brett Hogland Authority 15-02-08_Are_You_Legalist_-_Hogland.docx
01/25/15 He Taketh Away The First Ray Ferris Christianity 15-01-25_He_Taketh_Away_the_First.docx
01/18/15 Times That Try Mens Souls Tom Roberts Christianity 15-01-18_Times_That_Try_Mens_Souls_-_Roberts.docx
01/04/15 Catholic Church Is Not NT Church Harry Osborne Catholicism 15-01-04_Catholic_Church_Is_Not_NT_Church.docx
12/28/14 2015 Daily Bible Reading Harry Osborne Christianity 14-12-28_Daily_Bible_Reading_-_2015.docx 14-12-28_Intro_to_2015_Bible_Reading.docx
12/21/14 Self-Control Olen Holderby Christianity 14-12-21_Self-Control_-_Holderby.docx
12/14/14 Teaching Values to Children Harry Osborne Christianity 14-12-14_Teaching_Values_to_Children.docx
12/07/14 Worshipper of God W. Curtis Porter Christianity 14-12-07_Worshipper_of_God_-_Porter.docx
11/30/14 He Offends People Harry Osborne Christianity 14-11-30_He_Offends_People.docx
11/23/14 Mormonism From God or Man? part 4 Robert West Christianity 14-11-23_Mormonism_From_God_or_Man_-_4.docx
11/16/14 Mormonism From God or Man? part 3 Robert West Christianity 14-11-16_Mormonism_From_God_or_Man_-_3.docx
11/09/14 Mormonism From God or Man? part 2 Robert West Christianity 14-11-09_Mormonism_From_God_or_Man_-_2.docx
11/02/14 Mormonism From God or Man? part 1 Robert West Christianity 14-11-02_Mormonism_From_God_or_Man_-_1.docx
10/26/14 Teach The Whole Counsel of God Irven Lee Christianity 14-10-26_Teach_the_Whole_Counsel_-_Irven_Lee.docx
10/19/14 Sermon on Mount and Spiritual Character Harry Osborne Christianity 14-10-19_Sermon_on_Mount_and_Spiritual_Character.docx
10/12/14 The Gospel, Salvation and the Sinner 4 Harry Osborne Christianity 14-10-12_Gospel_Salvation_and_the_Sinner_4.docx
10/05/14 The Gospel, Salvation and the Sinner 3 Harry Osborne Christianity 14-10-05_Gospel_Salvation_and_the_Sinner_3.docx
09/28/14 The Gospel, Salvation and the Sinner 2 Harry Osborne Christianity 14-09-28_Gospel_Salvation_and_the_Sinner_2.docx
09/21/14 The Gospel, Salvation and the Sinner 1 Harry Osborne Christianity 14-09-21_Gospel_Salvation_and_the_Sinner_1.docx
09/14/14 Study of 1 Corinthins Irvin Himmel Christianity 14-09-14_Study_of_1_Cor_1_10_-_Himmel.docx

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