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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
08/22/21 Your Words Were Found and I Ate Them Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 1st Worship Your_Words_Were_Found_and_I_Ate_Them.mp3 Provisions_from_Gods_Word.pptx Provisions_from_Gods_Word.pdf
08/22/21 Developing Strength to Cure Weakness Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 1st Worship Spiritual_Strength_to_Cure_Weakness.pptx Spiritual_Strength_to_Cure_Weakness.pdf Developing_Strength_to_Cure_Weakness.mp3
08/15/21 What Makes A Religious Practice Right or Wrong? - Part 2 Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Spiritual_practice_part_2.mp3 Religious_Pratice_b-_What_Makes_Right_or_Wrong.pdf Religious_Pratice_b-_What_Makes_Right_or_Wrong.pptx
08/15/21 What Makes A Religious Practice Right or Wrong? - Part 1 Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 1st Worship Spiritual_practice_part_1.mp3 Religious_Pratice_-_What_Makes_Right_or_Wrong.pptx Religious_Pratice_-_What_Makes_Right_or_Wrong_1.pdf
08/08/21 The Sacrifice of Broken-Contrite Heart Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 2021-08-08_11-20-55.mp3 Sacrifice_of_Broken-Contrite_Heart.pptx Sacrifice_of_Broken-Contrite_Heart.pdf
08/08/21 Learning Submission and Service Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 1st Worship Learning_Submission_Harry_Osborne_August_8_2021.mp3 Learning_Submission-Service.pptx Learning_Submission-Service.pdf
08/01/21 How Does Faith Act Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 2nd Worship How_Does_Faith_Act.mp3 How_Does_Faith_Act.pptx How_Does_Faith_Act.pdf
07/25/21 Factors of Pilgrim Hope Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Factors_of_Pilgrim_Hope.pptx Factors_of_Pilgrim_Hope.pdf Factors_of_Pilgrim_Hope.mp3
07/25/21 This Matter Is Your Responsibility J.T. Carlson N/A Sunday 1st Worship This_Matter_Is_Your_Responsibility.mp3 Sermon_-_This_Matter_Is_Your_Responsibility.pptx Sermon_-_This_Matter_Is_Your_Responsibility.pdf
07/18/21 An Example Worthy of Noting J.T. Carlson N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Sermon_-_An_Example_Worthy_of_Noting.pptx An_Example_Worthy_of_Noting.mp3 Sermon_-_An_Example_Worthy_of_Noting.pdf
07/18/21 Pursuing Peace and Holiness Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 1st Worship Pursuing_Peace_and_Holiness.pptx Pursuing_Peace_and_Holiness.pdf Pursuing_Peace_and_Holiness.mp3
07/11/21 Giving Our Attention and Ourselves to What? Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 2nd Worship giving_our_attention.mp3 Giving_Our_Attention_and_Self_to.pptx Giving_Our_Attention_and_Self_to.pdf
07/11/21 The Forgiveness of Sins - part 2 J.T. Carlson N/A Sunday 1st Worship Sermon_-_The_Forgiveness_of_Sins_-_Part_2.pdf Sermon_-_The_Forgiveness_of_Sins_-_Part_2.pptx Sermon_-_the_forgiveness_of_sins.mp3
07/04/21 The Forgiveness of Sins J.T. Carlson N/A Sunday 2nd Worship The_Forgiveness_of_Sins.mp3 Sermon_-_The_Forgiveness_of_Sins_-_Part_1.pptx Sermon_-_The_Forgiveness_of_Sins_-_Part_1.pdf
07/04/21 Do We Have the Right to Declare God's Word? Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 1st Worship Do_We_Have_the_Right.pptx Do_We_Have_the_Right.pdf Do_We_Have_the_Right.mp3
06/27/21 Truth about Repentance Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 2021-06-27_11-23-53.mp3 Truth_about_Repentance.ppt Truth_about_Repentance.pdf
06/27/21 Building Spiritual Homes Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 1st Worship Building_Spiritual_Homes.mp3 Building_Spiritual_Homes.pdf Building_Spiritual_Homes.pptx
06/20/21 Foundations that Crumble J.T. Carlson N/A Sunday 1st Worship 2021-06-20_09-11-46.mp3 Sermon_-_Foundations_that_Crumble.pptx Sermon_-_Foundations_that_Crumble.pdf
06/20/21 But I Press On Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 2021-06-20_11-21-33.mp3 But_I_Press_On.pptx But_I_Press_On.pdf
06/13/21 Save Yourselves J.T. Carlson N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 2021-06-13_11-18-38.mp3 Sermon_-_Save_Yourselves.pptx 11_AM-1623587160.pdf
06/13/21 Love of Christ Compels Us Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 1st Worship 2021-06-13_09-12-35.mp3 Love_of_Christ_Compels_Us.pptx 9_AM-1623587115.pdf
06/06/21 Not Far from the Kingdom of God Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 2021-06-06_11-21-11.mp3 11_AM.pdf Not_Far_from_Kingdom.pptx
06/06/21 Genuine Faith in Our Children J.T. Carlson N/A Sunday 1st Worship 2021-06-06_09-15-55.mp3 Sermon_-_Geniune_Faith_in_Our_Children.pptx 9_AM.pdf
05/30/21 Jude lesson 1 J.T. Carlson Jude Sun Bible Class Jude_lesson_1.mp3 Jude_1-11.pptx Jude_1-11.pdf
05/30/21 Precious Memories J.T. Carlson N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Precious_Memories.mp3 11_AM-1622377786.pdf Sermon_-_Precious_Memories.pptx

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