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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
05/22/22 What the Act of Revelation Teaches Us Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 1st Worship What_the_Act_of_Revelation_Teaches_Us.mp3 What_the_Act_of_Revelation_Teaches_Us.pptx What_the_Act_of_Revelation_Teaches_Us.pdf
05/15/22 Encouragement by Mutual Faith Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Encouragement_by_Mutual_Faith.mp3 Encouragement_by_Mutual_Faith.pdf Encouragement_by_Mutual_Faith.pptx
05/15/22 Loving Life & Seeing Good Days Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 1st Worship Loving_Life_and_Seeing_Good_Days.mp3 Love_Life_See_Good_Days.pptx Love_Life_See_Good_Days.pdf
05/08/22 When Sin Entered the World Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 2nd Worship When_Sin_Entered_the_World.mp3 Satan_Acts_to_Deceive.pptx Satan_Acts_to_Deceive.pdf
05/08/22 A Heart for Evangelism Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 1st Worship A_Heart_for_Evangelism.mp3 Heart_for_Evangelism.pptx Heart_for_Evangelism.pdf
05/01/22 From Suffering and Prayer to Cheer and Song Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship From_Suffering_and_Prayer_To_Cheer_and_Song.mp3 From_Suffering_and_Prayer_to_Cheer_and_Song.pdf From_Suffering_and_Prayer_to_Cheer_and_Song.pptx
05/01/22 A Marriage That Glorifies God J.T. Carlson N/A Sunday 1st Worship A_Marriage_tha_Glorifies_God.mp3 Sermon_-_A_Marriage_that_Glorifies_God.pptx Sermon_-_A_Marriage_that_Glorifies_God.pdf
04/24/22 The Lord Our God Is One Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship The_Lord_Our_God_Is_One.mp3 The_Lord_Our_God_Is_One.pptx The_Lord_Our_God_Is_One.pdf
04/24/22 The Story of Joseph Larry Finley N/A Sunday 1st Worship The_Story_of_Joseph.mp3 The_Story_of_Joseph.pdf The_Story_of_Joseph.pptx
04/17/22 Committed to God Ryan Osborne N/A Sunday 1st Worship Committed_to_God.mp3
04/17/22 What Assurance Does the Christian Have? Brett Hogland N/A Sunday 2nd Worship What_Assurance_Does_the_Christian_Have.mp3 Blessed_Assurance.pptx Blessed_Assurance.pdf
04/10/22 The Nature of Repentance Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 2nd Worship The_Nature_of_Repentance.mp3 Nature_of_Repentance.pptx Nature_of_Repentance.pdf
04/10/22 The Nature of Sin Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 1st Worship The_Nature_of_Sin.mp3 Nature_of_Sin.pptx Nature_of_Sin.pdf
04/03/22 Running The Race J.R. Bronger N/A Gospel Meeting Running_the_Race.mp3 Running_the_Race.pdf Running_the_Race.pptx
04/03/22 Why Are You Fearful? J.R. Bronger N/A Gospel Meeting Why_Are_You_Fearful.mp3 Why_Are_You_Fearful.pptx Why_Are_You_Fearful.pdf
04/03/22 Nothing I Can Do About It Now J.R. Bronger N/A Gospel Meeting Nothing_I_Can_Do_About_It_Now.mp3 03_Sun_1_Nothing_I_can_do_about_it_now.pptx 03_Sun_1_Nothing_I_can_do_about_it_now.pdf
04/02/22 Hardening of Pharaoh's Heart J.R. Bronger N/A Gospel Meeting Hardening_of_Pharaohs_heart.mp3 Hardening_of_Pharaohs_Heart.pptx Hardening_of_Pharaohs_Heart.pdf
04/01/22 Faith J.R. Bronger N/A Gospel Meeting 2022-04-01_19-11-54.mp3 01_Fri_Faith.pptx 01_Fri_Faith.pdf
03/27/22 God's Word Mark Dunagan N/A Sunday 2nd Worship God-s_Word.mp3
03/27/22 1 Corinthians - Lesson 7 J.T. Carlson 1 Corinthians Sun Bible Class 2022-03-27_10-02-05.mp3 1_Cor_6_lesson_7_-_OKC_2022.pptx 1_Cor_6_lesson_7_-_OKC_2022.pdf
03/27/22 How Do We View Sin & Forgiveness? Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 1st Worship How_Do_We_View_Sin_and_Forgiveness.mp3 How_Do_We_View_Sin_Forgiveness.pptx How_Do_We_View_Sin_Forgiveness.pdf
03/20/22 Lord, Teach Us to Pray - part 2 Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Lord_Teach_Us_to_Pray_Part_2.mp3 Lord_Teach_Us_to_Pray_-_2.pdf Lord_Teach_Us_to_Pray_-_2.pptx
03/20/22 Lord, Teach Us to Pray - part 1 Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 1st Worship Lord_Teach_Us_to_Pray_part_1.mp3 Lord_Teach_Us_to_Pray_-_1.pptx Lord_Teach_Us_to_Pray_-_1.pdf
03/13/22 Winning Others to Christ by Our Conduct Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Winning_Others_to_Christ_by_Our_Conduct.mp3 Winning_Others_to_Christ.pptx Winning_Others_to_Christ.pdf
03/13/22 Giving the Enemy Occasion to Blaspheme Harry Osborne N/A Sunday 1st Worship 2022-03-13_09-12-15.mp3 Giving_Enemy_Occasion_to_Blaspheme.pdf Giving_Enemy_Occasion_to_Blaspheme.pptx

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