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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
11/19/23 The Return of Jesus Larry Finley N/A Sunday 1st Worship The_Return_of_Jesus.mp3
11/12/23 A Heart of Flesh Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship A_Heart_of_Flesh.pptx A_Heart_of_Flesh.pdf A_Heart_of_Flesh.mp3
11/12/23 What will your story be? Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 1st Worship What_will_your_story_be.pptx What_will_your_story_be.pdf What_will_your_story_be.mp3
11/05/23 Growing Weary Jimmy Stevens Fall 2023 Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting Growing_Weary.mp3 Growing_Weary_HO.pdf Growing_Weary.pdf Growing_Weary.jpg
11/05/23 The Power of True Faith Jimmy Stevens Fall 2023 Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting Power_of_True_Faith.mp3 Power_Of_True_Faith_HO.pdf Power_of_True_Faith.pptx Power_of_True_Faith.pdf
11/05/23 Created For A Purpose Jimmy Stevens Fall 2023 Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting Created_for_a_Purpose.mp3 Created_For_A_Purpose_HO.pdf Created_For_A_Purpose.pdf Created_For_A_Purpose.pptx
11/04/23 What Did They Know Before Baptism? Jimmy Stevens Fall 2023 Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting What_did_they_know_before_baptism_PART_2.mp3 What_did_they_know_before_baptism_PART_1.mp3 What_Did_They_Know_Before_Baptism_HO.pdf What_Did_They_Know_Before_Baptism.pdf What_Did_They_Know_Before_Baptism.pptx
11/03/23 Moral Living In An Immoral World Jimmy Stevens Fall 2023 Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting Moral_Living_In_An_Immoral_World_HO.pdf Moral_Living_in_an_Immoral_World_PART_1.mp3 Moral_Living_in_an_Immoral_World_PART_2.mp3 Moral_Living_In_An_Immoral_World.pptx Moral_Living_In_An_Immoral_World.pdf
10/29/23 Gambling: What's the Problem? Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Gambling_-_Whats_the_problem.mp3 Gambling_-_Whats_the_problem.pptx Gambling_-_Whats_the_problem.pdf
10/29/23 The Cost of Sin, Salvation, and Sacrifice Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 1st Worship The_Cost_of_Sin_Salvation_and_Sacrifice.mp3 The_Cost_of_Sin_Salvation_and_Sacrifice.pptx The_Cost_of_Sin_Salvation_and_Sacrifice.pdf
10/22/23 The Precedent for Present Pattern Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship The_Precedent_for_Present_Pattern.mp3 The_Precedent_for_Present_Pattern.pptx The_Precedent_for_Present_Pattern.pdf
10/22/23 Take Heed How You Hear Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 1st Worship Take_Heed_How_You_Hear.pptx Take_Heed_How_You_Hear.pdf Take_Heed_How_You_Hear.mp3
10/15/23 What do I do with my sin? Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship What_do_I_do_with_my_sin.pptx What_do_I_do_with_my_sin.pdf What_do_I_do_with_my_sin.mp3
10/15/23 "Of The Laying On Of Hands" Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 1st Worship Of_The_Laying_On_Of_Hands.pptx Of_The_Laying_On_Of_Hands.pdf Of_The_Laying_On_Of_Hands.mp3
10/08/23 Drawn to Him Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Drawn_to_Him.pptx Drawn_to_Him.mp3 Drawn_to_Him.pdf
10/08/23 Resurgence (Acts 12) Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 1st Worship Resurgence.pptx Resurgence.pdf Resurgence_Acts_12.mp3
10/01/23 Book of Acts - Lesson 10 & 11 - Conversion of Cornelius and Peter's Defense Jeremiah Cox Book of Acts Sun Bible Class Acts_10_edited.mp3
10/01/23 Tabitha - An Example of Grace and Beauty Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Tabitha_-_An_Example_of_Grace_and_Beauty.pptx Tabitha_-_An_Example_of_Grace_and_Beauty.pdf Tabitha_-_An_Example_of_Grace_and_Beauty.mp3
09/24/23 Filthy Rags Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Filthy_Rags.pptx Filthy_Rags.mp3 Filthy_Rags.pdf
09/24/23 The Beauty of Infant Moses Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 1st Worship The_Beauty_of_Infant_Moses.pptx The_Beauty_of_Infant_Moses.pdf The_Beauty_of_Infant_Moses.mp3
09/17/23 The Eternal Weight of Glory Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship The_Eternal_Weight_of_Glory.pptx The_Eternal_Weight_of_Glory.pdf The_Eternal_Weight_of_Glory.mp3
09/17/23 The Name of Jesus Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 1st Worship The_Name_of_Jesus.pptx The_Name_of_Jesus.mp3 The_Name_of_Jesus.pdf
09/10/23 Fear's Snare and Faith's Haven (Part 2) Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Fears_Snare_and_Faiths_Haven-1694374299.pptx Fears_Snare_and_Faiths_Haven-1694374299.pdf Fears_Snare_and_Faiths_Haven_Part_2.mp3
09/10/23 Between His Ascension and Kingdom Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 1st Worship Between_His_Ascension_and_Kingdom.pptx Between_His_Ascension_and_Kingdom.pdf Between_His_Ascension_and_Kingdom.mp3
09/03/23 The Sin Which So Easily Ensnares Us Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship The_Sin_Which_So_Easily_Ensnares_Us.pdf The_Sin_Which_So_Easily_Ensnares_Us.pptx The_Sin_Which_So_Easily_Ensnares_Us.mp3

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