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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
03/04/23 The Spirit Who Dwells In Us Brett Hogland Brett Hogland Gospel Meeting March 2023 Gospel Meeting The_Spirit_Who_Dwells_in_Us_Brett_Hogland.mp3 The_Spirit_Who_Dwells_In_Us_4_3.pptx The_Spirit_Who_Dwells_In_Us_4_3.pdf
03/03/23 Overcoming Bitterness Brett Hogland Brett Hogland Gospel Meeting March 2023 Gospel Meeting Overcoming_Bitterness_Brett_Hogland.mp3 Overcoming_Bitterness.pptx Overcoming_Bitterness.pdf
02/26/23 The Living Sacrifice Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship The_Living_Sacrifice.mp3 The_Living_Sacrifice.pdf The_Living_Sacrifice.pptx
02/26/23 And They Seemed Only A Few Days Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 1st Worship And_they_seemed_only_a_few_days.mp3 And_they_seemed_only_a_few_days.pptx And_they_seemed_only_a_few_days.pdf
02/19/23 Truly God is Good Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Truly_God_is_Good.mp3 Truly_God_is_Good.pptx Truly_God_is_Good.pdf
02/19/23 Overcome Evil with Good Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 1st Worship Overcome_Evil_with_Good_1.mp3 Overcome_Evil_With_Good.pptx Overcome_Evil_With_Good.pdf
02/12/23 Jehovah Jireh - The Lord Will Provide Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Jehovah_Jireh_-_The_Lord_Will_Provide.mp3 Jehovah_Jireh_-__The_Lord_Will_Provide_.pptx Jehovah_Jireh_-__The_Lord_Will_Provide_.pdf
02/12/23 Thy Kingdom Come, Came, and Is Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 1st Worship Thy_Kingdom_Come_Came_and_Is.mp3 Thy_Kingdom_Come_Came_and_Is.pptx Thy_Kingdom_Come_Came_and_Is.pdf
02/05/23 Marriage, the Marriage Bond, and Divorce Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Marriage_the_Marriage_Bond_and_Divorce.mp3 Marriage_the_Marriage_Bond_and_Divorce_4.3.pptx Marriage_the_Marriage_Bond_and_Divorce_4.3.pdf
02/05/23 Growth, Grace, and Hope Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 1st Worship Growth_Grace_and_Hope.mp3 Growth_Grace_and_Hope.pptx Growth_Grace_and_Hope.pdf
01/29/23 A Refuge of Lies Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship A_Refuge_of_Lies.mp3 A_Refuge_of_Lies.pptx A_Refuge_of_Lies.pdf
01/22/23 Serving God from Where I Am Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Serving_God_from_Where_I_Am.mp3 Serving_God_from_Where_I_Am.pptx Serving_God_from_Where_I_Am.pdf
01/22/23 The Age of the Earth Larry Finley N/A Sunday 1st Worship The_Age_of_the_Earth_Larry_Finley.mp3 The_Age_of_the_Earth.pptx The_Age_of_the_Earth.pdf
01/15/23 Help from the Lord Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Help_from_the_Lord.mp3 Help_from_the_Lord.pptx Help_from_the_Lord.pdf
01/15/23 Sin-Sick Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 1st Worship Sin-Sick.mp3 Sin-Sick.pptx Sin-Sick.pdf
01/08/23 Grace Appeared Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Grace_Appeared.mp3 Grace_Appeared.pptx Grace_Appeared.pdf
01/08/23 Low in the Grave He Lay Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 1st Worship Low_in_the_Grave_He_Lay.mp3 Low_in_the_Grave_He_Lay.pptx Low_in_the_Grave_He_Lay.pdf
01/01/23 Be Diligent Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Be_Diligent.mp3 Be_Diligent_4.3.pptx Be_Diligent_4.3.pdf
01/01/23 But If Not Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 1st Worship But_If_Not.mp3 But_If_Not.pptx But_If_Not.pdf
12/25/22 Overcoming Discouragement Brett Hogland N/A Sunday 2nd Worship 2022-12-25_11-20-00.mp3 Overcoming_Discouragement_Paul__Silas.pptx Overcoming_Discouragement_Paul__Silas.pdf
12/18/22 A Faithful Heart Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship A_Faithful_Heart.mp3 A_Faithful_Heart.pptx A_Faithful_Heart.pdf
12/18/22 Everlasting Consolation and Good Hope Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 1st Worship Everlasting_Consolation_and_Good_Hope.mp3 Everlasting_Consolation_and_Good_Hope.pdf Everlasting_Consolation_and_Good_Hope.pptx
12/11/22 Tempted Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Tempted.mp3 Tempted.pptx Tempted.pdf
12/11/22 They Kindled a Fire Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 1st Worship They_Kindled_a_Fire.mp3 They_Kindled_a_Fire.pptx They_Kindled_a_Fire.pdf
12/04/22 Save Yourselves Jeremiah Cox N/A Sunday 2nd Worship Save_Yourselves.mp3 Save_Yourselves.pdf Save_Yourselves.pptx

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